unloading the deer fence

| 3/27/23

Sometimes big deliveries show up at the wrong time. Unfortunately, Nick was the only person home when the deer fence came. Fortunately, a lot of our friends showed up for the installation.

To be as efficient as possible, Nick laid out all of the fence posts and set the corners in concrete before we called in the muscle. That enabled us to knock out the entire perimeter in one day.

When we installed the fence, we didn’t know our maple was dead. We originally planned to have a shaded area for breaks. We had to improvise our plan and decided to build a high tunnel in that space.

After the fence installation, Nick went around the property cutting back the brush. A clear fence line helps with property maintenance and aesthetics. It also helps us control poison ivy on the property. (There was a lot poison ivy associated with the fence install. Sorry Brendon!)


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